Wednesday 15 November 2006

Wicklow Town Development: A New Plan

Wicklow Town Development: A New Plan

Presented by buck planning services


Out with the old, in with the new

Draft Development Plan for Wicklow 2007 - 2013

Focusing on the issues which may impact on you:

- Proposed A.C.A and Z.A.P.

- Opportunity areas

- Site regeneration areas

A new zoning map


Plan-making is difficult, why?

Different visions.


Planning policy direction (implement legislation, policy targets, etc.).

Different definitions of ‘the public’.

Different understandings of ‘public consultation’ – most expect ‘public participation.

Powerful stakeholders, landowners, etc., expect role commensurate with their position.

Resources available to plan-maker.

Take just one: policy direction

Must also follow ‘Act’

A development plan “shall” include objectives for:

- Zoning of land

- Infrastructure provision

- Conservation and environmental protection

- Protection of architectural and archaeological heritage

- Protection of landscape

- Regeneration

… and so on ‘and’ can include objectives for:

- The location and pattern of development

- Control of areas and structures

- Community facilities

… and so on

Conclusion? Much of the content is prescribed.

Stages – must take two years

Advertisement in papers calling for submissions. 8 weeks.

Report on submissions prepared in 8 weeks. Councillors consider report for up to ten weeks. Prepare draft plan in consultation with councillors. Must be in place 12 weeks later.

Draft Plan on display within 2 weeks. Submissions invited for 10 weeks.

Preparation of report on submissions received after 12 weeks. Councillors consider report for 12 weeks. If it is to be amended significantly the amendments must go back out on public display (within three weeks of the decision to amend). If no material alterations are made, the councillors will adopt the plan.

If a material alteration is made (within 3 weeks) a second display period is organised and submissions again invited for 4 weeks.

Report prepared on submissions after 8 weeks. Councillors consider report and new plan is then adopted after 6 weeks with or without the amendments).

The plan shall have effect four weeks later.

Obtain a copy of the Department’s leaflet: “The Development Plan”. But note, it is aimed at the general public; not the practitioner.

Where is Wicklow @?

… Draft Development Plan stage

Issues arising from consultation

Single issue based: More trains, more parking, more community and sports facilities, more pedestrian friendly, more open space, more schools, more traveller accommodation, more environmental protection, more drug treatment facilities, a marina, more bowling …

General desires: Better design, investment, improved retail facilities, increased attractiveness to tourists, protect trees, reduce dereliction, reduce traffic congestion, more heritage protection, etc.

Self-interest: “re-zone my land” (individuals, Wicklow Golf Club, etc.), protect our land (East Glendalough School).

Areas: Port access road (ASAP), Protect Main Street / Town Centre, The Murrough (… again … finally, at last?), Abbey lands (a shared vision?), Whitegate site (recreational?), Convent lands (available during the plan?), and the redevelopment of Fitzwilliam Square (regeneration plan?).

Lack of synergy with the environs – an age old problem …

Strategic aims

Mostly general, like a GW speech. This allows ‘all’ issues to be covered, but also, if you look at the main impetuses says:

1. The town centre is to serve a projected population of 25,000 to 40,000 by 2016. Up from 6,416 in 1996, 7,031 in 2002 and a preliminary 6,835 for 2006.

2. Retail floor space is to grow by:

Convenience: 500-1,500 sq.m

Comparison: 5,000-10,000 sq.m

3. Residentially zoned land is available to accommodate 4.632 persons at 30 units per hectare.42.7 hectares remain undeveloped. No more is required.

Commercial aims – contradictory?

Self-sufficient but dependant on Dublin demand?

Supports in town and out of town retail development?

Apparently contradictory aims is an often, painful, but necessary, aspect of planning.

Focusing on the issues which may impact on you …

Proposed A.C.A.

Why propose an A.C.A?

Section 81 (1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 states:

A development plan shall include an objective to preserve the character of a place, area, group of structures or townscape, taking account of building lines and heights, that:

is of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest or value,

contributes to the appreciation of protected structures,

is necessary for the preservation of the character of the place, area, group of structures or townscape concerned.

ACAs are something to be proud of …

What difference does an A.C.A make?

An A.C.A impacts on proposed development ... Section 82 (1) states: “In architectural conservation areas:

1. Notwithstanding section 4(1)(h), the carrying out of works to the exterior of a structure located in an architectural conservation area shall be exempted development only if those works would not materially affect the character of the area.

2. In considering an application for permission for development in relation to land situated in an architectural conservation area, a planning authority, or the Board on appeal, shall take into account the material effect (if any) that the proposed development would be likely to have on the character of the architectural conservation area.”

Power to acquire structure/land

In an A.C.A a planning authority may acquire land situated within an A.C.A if it is of the opinion:

that it is necessary to so do in order to preserve the character of the architectural conservation area, and

(i) the condition of the land, or the use to which the land or any structure on the land is being put, detracts, or is likely to detract, to a material degree from the character or appearance of the architectural conservation area, or

(ii) the acquisition of the land is necessary for the development or renewal of the architectural conservation area or for the provision of amenities in the area.

Note: A planning authority shall not compulsorily acquire any land that is lawfully occupied as a dwelling house by any person other than a person employed as a caretaker.

Impact on you? Policies

The right place for an A.C.A?

Anything to be proud of? To protect?

Proposed Zone of Archaeological Potential (ZAP!)

What exactly is a Z.A.P?

A zone defined in the Record of Monuments and Places.

An area in proximity to recorded monuments.

A ZAP is statutorily a recorded monument.

Any works which would impact on archaeological structures, features or deposits including demolition or alterations (major) to a building in a Zone of Archaeological Potential may require two months notice to Dúchas under section 12 of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act, 1994

Impact on you? Policies

Opportunity areas

1. The Murrough, 18 ha.

2. Convent Lands, 33 ha.

Site Regeneration: two areas

1. Whitegates

2. Abbey lands

Let’s look at the whole plan

Development Parameters

A new zoning map

New objectives

Do you share the plan’s vision?

bps planning consultants

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