Sunday 17 June 2007

Biodiversity Plan - Call for Submissions

Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council is preparing a County Biodiversity Plan. Submissions are sought from interested groups and individuals to assist in the drafting of this plan.

You are invited to participate in the consultative process by attending open sessions on June 13th in the County Hall in Dun Laoghaire and on June 14th in the Dundrum County Council Offices, both commencing at 19:30.

Written submissions are also welcome. They can be sent to the Biodiversity Officer, Parks Department, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire. The deadline for submissions is 16:30 on 20th June 2007. All submissions will be gratefully received and acknowledged.

Further Information can be requested from the Biodiversity Officer at Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, 01-2054700 or email at

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